Features from: 27 Feb 2025 – Aggregate nominal value, reduction of nominal value in RoM, PSC end register entry date
Aggregate nominal value showing in Kudocs – we are now showing the aggregate nominal value in the shareholder registers in Kudocs. This information has always been there, but it is now just easier to see. This is particularly useful for calculating PSC condition 1.
Reduction in nominal value now showing in exported RoM – although a reduction in nominal value only affects the share capital (not individual shareholdings) we now show such reductions as transactions in the exported Register of Members.
Add register entry date when removing a PSC/RLE – You can now select the register entry date when you remove a PSC. As well as the date the PSC actually stopped being a PSC, there is also a date that this change was recorded in the entity registers. By default this is the date you update Kudocs about the PSC cessation, but you can amend this if – eg- the registers were informally updated elsewhere and there has been a delay in adding the information to Kudocs.
Lots of changes under the hood that you won’t notice, but are there!