Date validation in Kudocs – by reference to the last confirmation statement date
Why does Kudocs flag that I am trying to record an event that happened before the last confirmation statement? When an entity files a confirmation statement at Companies House, in doing so it is confirming not only that the information in the confirmation statement (e.g. share capital, shareholders, etc) is correct, but also that all the other information filed at Companies House as at the date of the confirmation statement is correct. This is based on s.853A (1)(b) CA 2006 (as amended by ECCTA 2024) which states that filing a confirmation statement confirms that the information held by Companies House is accurate and up to date as of the confirmation statement date.
On that basis, if a company tries to make a change/ file a document which predates the previous confirmation statement, then that change is, strictly speaking, in breach of this section.
There are other considerations that are relevant as for why Kudocs validates the date of a transaction – if you would like to know more, please let us know.
What happens if I want to record an event that happened before the last confirmation statement? Despite the point above, the practical reality is that sometimes an entity needs to record an event that happened before the last confirmation statement – mistakes happen! If you need to do this, please get in touch with Kudocs and we can advise you on how to resolve this. The type of transaction and the changes that it makes to the entity’s information will impact what changes/ support we need to provide. We are used this so don’t worry. Once we know the details of the change from you, we can help you out.
Can I appoint or resign an officer where the appointment/ resignation happened before the last confirmation statement date? Notwithstanding that, strictly speaking, an entity should not file an officer change before the last confirmation statement, in practice this happens not infrequently and so Kudocs allows you to do this. The system will show you a warning message about the dates but you can then select to override that. This applies for director and secretary appointments and resignations.