Generate & distribute SEIS & EIS certificates in bulk

Need to generate EIS or SEIS certificates for investors after a round?  You can generate EIS3 or SEIS3 in bulk, in seconds for individual direct investors, or individuals behind a corporate nominee.  What used to take hours, now takes less than a minute.

  • Published: 3 November 2021 11:57 am  Author:


    A comprehensive package for a company limited by shares, which is – or is likely to be – making changes to its share capital/ shareholders.  It has all the features of the Essential package, plus more. Examples of companies that use this package: Start-ups preparing for or going through investment rounds. Any company that is

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  • Published: 2 November 2021 1:32 pm  Author:


    A fully comprehensive package for a company limited by shares, which is – or is likely to be – making changes to its share capital/ shareholders and wants enhanced shareholder management (e.g. shareholder updates and shareholder dashboard).  It has all the features of the Essential and Dynamic packages, plus more. Examples of companies that use

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